haku: @keyword moisture / yhteensä: 17
viite: 4 / 17
Tekijä: | Bulota, Mindaugas |
Työn nimi: | Study on the assessment of moisture content in birch veneer |
Julkaisutyyppi: | Diplomityö |
Julkaisuvuosi: | 2008 |
Sivut: | 69 (+2) Kieli: eng |
Koulu/Laitos/Osasto: | Puunjalostustekniikan laitos |
Koulutusohjelma: | Puunjalostustekniikan tutkinto-ohjelma |
Oppiaine: | Puutekniikka (Puu-28) |
Valvoja: | Kairi, Matti |
Ohjaaja: | Lahti, Pia ; Luukkainen, Juha-Pekka |
OEVS: | Sähköinen arkistokappale on luettavissa Aalto Thesis Databasen kautta.
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Sijainti: | P1 Ark P80 | Arkisto |
Avainsanat: | veneer moisture infrared thermography |
Tiivistelmä (eng): | The aim of my Master Thesis was a study on the moisture and temperature relationship in birch veneer. Rotary peeled Finnish birch veneer was used. The bolts had been soaked in water of + 25 centigrade for 24 h before peeling. The temperature of the veneer surface after drying was immediately measured by infrared camera. The moisture content was determined by the gravimetric method. The measurements took place in the laboratory of Forest Products Technology, in TKK. The quality of drying was ignored in order to make the measurements easier. The areas of higher moisture content were obviously cooler and were easily distinguishable by eye in infrared image. The Pearson correlation coefficient between water and moisture content was observed to be on average - 0.7. The influence of wood density on the results was minor. Additionally, the IR camera performed better when operated in a range of longer infrared waves. The results imply that IR technology in assessment of moisture content could be applied in the future. At least in laboratory scale it could be useful way of analyzing moisture movement in veneer, evaluating the quality of drying or comparing different drying schedules. |
ED: | 2008-10-24 |
INSSI tietueen numero: 36467
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