haku: @instructor Ott, Jörg / yhteensä: 10
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Tekijä: | Lin, Zhiqi |
Työn nimi: | Augmenting Mobility Simulation by Public Transport: A Case Study for the ONE Simulator |
Julkaisutyyppi: | Diplomityö |
Julkaisuvuosi: | 2015 |
Sivut: | 65+6 Kieli: eng |
Koulu/Laitos/Osasto: | Sähkötekniikan korkeakoulu |
Oppiaine: | Networking Technology (S3029) |
Valvoja: | Ott, Jörg |
Ohjaaja: | Ott, Jörg |
Elektroninen julkaisu: | http://urn.fi/URN:NBN:fi:aalto-201512165669 |
Sijainti: | P1 Ark Aalto 3354 | Arkisto |
Avainsanat: | delay tolerent networking network simulation mobility simulation simulator |
Tiivistelmä (eng): | The Opportunistic Network Environment (ONE) simulator is an extensible tool for evaluating Delay-Tolerent Networking (DTN) protocols and applications under different types of mobility patterns. To further increase the reality of the public transportation system modeling, we enable the modeling for metro system by extending the ONE simulator into a multi-plane structure as a first order approximation for a 3-dimensional (3D) world modeling. As there are more and more public transit agencies open their timetable data to public, it is possible to utilize those open data and make the public transportation vehicles follow the real-world schedules. To achieve that, we developed tools for converting timetable data into the compatible format for the ONE simulator, and extended the movement model for public transport vehicles so that they can follow the provisioned schedule. This master's thesis presents how the new features were designed, implemented and verified. In addition, we show sample simulations to demonstrate the impact of the new supported scenarios. |
ED: | 2016-01-17 |
INSSI tietueen numero: 52793
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