haku: @supervisor Saikkonen, Heikki / yhteensä: 330
viite: 7 / 330
Tekijä:Colleoni, Luca
Työn nimi:Market entry into a crowded application market - an empirical study of a mobile sport application
Sivut:(6) + 69      Kieli:   eng
Koulu/Laitos/Osasto:Perustieteiden korkeakoulu
Oppiaine:Service Design and Engineering   (SCI3022)
Valvoja:Marchese, Maurizio ; Saikkonen, Heikki
Ohjaaja:Mitts, Håkan
Elektroninen julkaisu: http://urn.fi/URN:NBN:fi:aalto-201608263029
Sijainti:P1 Ark Aalto  4408   | Arkisto
Avainsanat:service design
outdoor sports
Tiivistelmä (eng):Service Design is a process that allows the creation of new services solving people problems and needs.
Nowadays, Service Design is used to improve innovation and to add additional value to products.
This thesis studies the application of Service Design tools during the design of a mobile application that targets outdoor sports.

The study examines the situation of a local sport equipment and clothes manufacturer.
The manufacturer is trying to engage its consumers in outdoor activities.
According to the analysis of the current market situation and to the analysis of competitors, the manufacturer has decided that the best way to engage customers is through a mobile application.
Considering this context, an analysis of the motivations that encourage companies adopting a service approach has been conducted.
A market research has been performed in order to determine the possibility of developing the application in a situation where other manufacturers have already presented their own mobile software solutions.
Finally, the manufacturer plans to involve its consumers by using a gamification approach.
As a result, particular focus has been set on gamification to understand whether it is the correct tool to engage people.

The goal has been reached by performing a literature review of the service topic and by applying a participatory design methodology.
Athletes, people that enjoy sports and members of the firm aged between 20 and 40 have participated in different design activities, including surveys and focus groups.
Using these tools this study contributes by identifying the key features mountain climbers needs.
Moreover, this thesis contributes by identifying available opportunities for diversifying from existing solutions.
The result is a validated service prototype that aims at engaging people.
The concept will be used as a guideline for the final application.
INSSI tietueen numero: 54241
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