Tekijä:Kukar, S.
Otsikko:Siva ekonomija v Sloveniji v obdobju tranzicije
1994 : p. 278-289
Vapaa asiasana:Slovenia, gray economy, transitional
economics, legislation, definition,
international comparisons
Tiivistelmä:In her paper the author presents the first results of the research on hidden economy in Slovenia.On the basis of the labour force participation rates by age group and on the basis of the data from different sociological surveys and Labour Force Survey 1993 she estimates that around 239.000 people were engaged in hidden economy in 1993 that is about 28.3% of the labour force.According to her estimates the scope of hidden economy represents about 10% of the registered gross domestic product of Slovenia in 1993, whereas in 1961 it amounted to about 3% and in 1991 about 7.2% of GDP.In the period of transition the hidden economy is thus an important phenomenon in the Slovenian society and it substantially changes the material well-fare of individual groups of population.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 128951
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