Tekijä:Zhong, Guoxin
Otsikko:Residents' consumption is still a hot point in 1997 (original in Chinese)
Lehti:Global Market Information Guide (c)
1997 : 4, p.17-18
Tiivistelmä:At the present stage, the characteristics of urban and rural residents' consumption find expression in the following: The total supply of products exceeds demand but the growth of saleable goods still lags behind the growth of demand for consumption. 1997 and the coming years will see a continuously rapider growth of consumption funds. The changes in demand for consumption will be affected by the following factors. The rapid or slow income growth will be an important factor deciding the changes in the consumption structure of residents. The changes in prices and seeking the degree of consumption confidence will exert great influence on residents' demand for consumption. The regional disparities will lead to wider gap in demand for consumption in terms of grade structure, which will present a widening trend.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 164834
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