Tekijä:Ladkin, A.
Otsikko:Life and work history analysis: the value of this research method for hospitality and tourism
Lehti:Tourism Management
1999 : FEB, VOL. 20:1, p. 37-45
Tiivistelmä:The paper's aim is to discuss life and work history analysis (herein: l & w) to demonstrate the value of this research method for tourism and hospitality. The paper explores three main themes, that is, (i) tracing the development and examining the use of the l & w -method in social science research, (ii) discussing of the use of the method in a study of U.K. hotel general managers, and (iii) demonstrating how the analysis can be used in providing information on present and past labour market conditions.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 187192
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