Tekijä:Xu, Feng
Otsikko:The sluggishness in China's technological innovation: cause of formation and thoughts on its countermeasures (original in Chinese)
Lehti:Shanghai Economic Review (c)
1999 : 9, p.34-37
Tiivistelmä:The top priority of making technological innovations is, in the course of both transitions of the economic system and the way of economic growth, to strengthen the macro-regulation and make the micro-economy vigorous in order to turn the enterprise into the subject of technological innovations. The concrete measures are that the modern system of enterprise should be set up as soon as possible in the state sector, the market mechanism further established and improved, the working out of the policies and rules for the enterprise's technological innovations strengthened and the financial support for them provided as much as possible.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 205047
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