Tekijä:Havila, V.
Wilkmson, I. F.
Otsikko:The principle of the conservation of business relationship energy: or many kinds of new beginnings
Lehti:Industrial Marketing Management
2002 : APR, VOL. 31:3, p. 191-204
Tiivistelmä:The relationship termination phase has received rather less attention in the literature than other aspects of relationship development. In this article the authors focus on the stage when the firms involved stop doing business with each other. The authors argue that relationship ending is problematic in that, even when trading stops, there still seems to exist a kind of "relationship energy" which continues on, especially in the social bonds that have been created. The authors propose a new principle of the "conservation of relationship energy" which states that it cannot be destroyed and that it can only be transformed and transferred to other relationships, manifesting itself in a variety of ways.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 238874
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