Tekijä:Peccei, R.
Lee, H-J.
Otsikko:The impact of gender similarity on employee satisfaction at work: A review and re-evaluation
Lehti:Journal of Management Studies
2005 : DEC, VOL. 42:8, p. 1571-1592
Asiasana:employee attitudes
job satisfaction
United Kingdom
Tiivistelmä:This paper examines unanswered questions about the impact of gender similarity on employee satisfaction at work using data from the British 1998 Workplace Employee Relations Survey (WERS98). The study sample consisted of more than 11.000 men and women (m&w.) (in total appr. 23.000 people) from over 1.700 workplaces across the U.K. The effects of gender similarity were found to be asymmetrical for m&w., with similarity tending to have a greater positive impact on men than on women. The effects involved were primarily linear in nature.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 260118
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