Tekijä:Lee C. H.
Cranage D. A.
Otsikko:Personalization - privacy paradox: The effects of personalization and privacy assurance on customer responses to travel web sites
Lehti:Tourism Management
2011 : OCT, VOL. 32:5 p. 987-994
Vapaa asiasana:personalisation
privacy assurance
privacy conserns
personalisation - privacy paradox
travel web sites
Tiivistelmä:Personalization refers to individualizing products, services, and contents according to customer interests and preferences. In order to deliver appropriate personalized offerings, firms inevitably has to collect rich customer data profiles. Earlier research suggests that personalized services lead to positive customer responses such as increased willingness to disclose personal information and make purchases. However, another stream of research emphasizes negative outcomes of personalization - namely, privacy concerns surrounding the use of personal information and associated negative effects on behavior. The objectives of this study are twofold: (1) to examine how privacy assurance affects proximal outcomes of personalization, such as perceived usefulness and privacy concerns; and (2) to identify the role such outcomes play in predicting customer behavioral responses, such as willingness to disclose personal information and make purchases. Our findings show that enhancing privacy assurance increases the perceived usefulness of services and decreases customer privacy concerns.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 273652
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