haku: @all higher education / yhteensä: 107
viite: 106 / 107
Tekijä:Santiago, R.
Carvalho, T.
Otsikko:Academics in a new work environment: The impact of new public management on work conditions
Lehti:Higher education quarterly
2008 : JUL, VOL. 62:3, p. 204-223
Asiasana:higher education
public sector management
academic staff
working conditions
Tiivistelmä:This paper explores the impact of New public management (NPM) on the working conditions of Portuguese higher education (here as: h-e.) academics. Based on empirical data from official statistics, it is found that changes have been slow, but already revealing a corrosion of traditional employment practices. Employment has become more precarious with professionals increasingly being employed on non-tenured contracts. This tendency is more evident in the polytechnic sector. Hence, this means that the growth in skilled employment in h-e. in Portugal is based on precarious employment relations.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 268411
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