haku: @all stability / yhteensä: 108
viite: 106 / 108
Tekijä:Kalafatis, S.P.
Sarpong Jr., S.
Sharif, K.J.
Otsikko:An examination of the stability of operationalisations of multi-item marketing scales
Lehti:International Journal of Market Research
2005 : VOL. 47:3, p. 255-266
Asiasana:marketing research
Vapaa asiasana:marketing scales
Tiivistelmä:Since the publication of Churchill's paper (1979) in which he proposed a "paradigm" for the construction of multi-item scales, scholars have developed a considerable number of such scales designed to measure a wide variety of marketing phenomena. Despite adherence to the principles set in Churchill's paper and expanded by subsequent authors, experience indicates that the use, or "borrowing", of existing scales has not been without difficulties. This article reports the findings of an investigation into the impact that the adoption of different scales has on the structural relationship of latent variables.240
SCIMA tietueen numero: 260622
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