haku: @all higher education / yhteensä: 108
viite: 96 / 108
Tekijä:Colina, S.
Otsikko:Translation quality evaluation
Lehti:Translator : Studies in Intercultural Communication
2008 : APR, VOL. 14:1, p. 97-134
Tiivistelmä:This study describes a proposal for evaluation addressing some of the found deficiencies in the models. The proposed approach is referred to as componential and functionalist due the separate evaluation of quality components and the relative evaluation as to the function specified for the translated text. A tool was developed and pilot-tested for inter-rater reliability to obtain some empirical evidence for the functionalist / componential approach. In addition, some data on qualifications of raters/users and their performance using the tool was also sought for. 40 raters were asked to use the tool to rate three translated texts consisting of reader-oriented health education materials. Data was collected by means of the tool and a questionnaire. The results show good inter-rater reliability for the tool: teachers' and translators' ratings were more alike than those of bi-linguals. Bi-linguals were found to rate higher and faster than the other groups.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 266042
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