haku: @all higher education / yhteensä: 118
viite: 110 / 118
Tekijä:Berde, E.
Vanyolos, I.
Otsikko:Impact of institutional changes on Hungarian higher education after 1989
Lehti:Higher education quarterly
2008 : JUL, VOL. 62:3, p. 297-317
higher education
Tiivistelmä:Using data summaries and interviews, this study analyzes changes in Hungarian higher education (here as: h-e.) since 1989. Based on on statistical data and focusing on enrollment changes, spending patterns and the number and quality of teaching personnel, the Hungarian h-e. system is set into the international context. The latter part of the study is focused on micro-level activities of selected universities and departments, with special emphasis on research, teaching, administration and institutional change. It is argued that the creation of a stable, performance-oriented, well-financed h-e. system in ex-socialist Hungary has been imperfectly achieved.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 268415
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