haku: @all higher education / yhteensä: 120
viite: 115 / 120
Tekijä:Gibbs, G.
Knapper, C.
Piccinin, S.
Otsikko:Disciplinary and contextually appropriate approaches to leadership of teaching in research-intensive academic departments in higher education
Lehti:Higher education quarterly
2008 : OCT, VOL. 62:4, p. 416-436
higher education
management education
United Kingdom
North America
Vapaa asiasana:teaching
Tiivistelmä:This paper presents aspects of an international study of leadership (hereafter as: l-ship.) of teaching (as: t-g.) in 19 departments (as: dept./depts.) with outstanding t-g. records in 11 research-intensive universities from eight countries. L-ship. was found to take different (as: diff.) forms in diff. discipline areas, in diff. organizational cultures, and in response to major problems affecting the department. Two depts. are compared as to l-ship. activities found most frequently across all 19 depts. It is evident that t-g. excellence was achieved in entirely diff. ways involving widely contrasting l-ship. behaviour. It is argued that advice and guidance for heads of dept. on their l-ship. of t-g. should pay careful attention to the context rather than make assumptions about the general applicability of l-ship. theory or advice.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 268423
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