haku: @all transparency / yhteensä: 139
viite: 102 / 139
Tekijä:Waddington, J.
Otsikko:Contesting the development of European works councils in the chemicals sector
Lehti:European Journal of Industrial Relations
2006 : VOL. 12:3, p.329-352
Asiasana:chemical industry
workers' councils
Vapaa asiasana:company transparency
directive on European Works Councils
Tiivistelmä:The Directive on European Works Councils (EWCs) introduced areas in which management and employee representatives could contest the development of the institution. This article reviews the outcome of this contestation within the chemicals sector, examining the agenda, the 'Europeanization' of representatives, company transparency and integration of EWCs into wider industrial relations networks. It shows that neither the expectations of critics of the Directive nor of those who emphasized its potential have been realized.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 264474
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