haku: @all interaction / yhteensä: 166
viite: 157 / 166
Tekijä:Mu, J.
Peng, G.
Love, E.
Otsikko:Interfirm networks, social capital, and knowledge flow
Lehti:Journal of Knowledge Management
2008 : VOL. 12:4, p. 86-100
Asiasana:knowledge management
Vapaa asiasana:social capital
Tiivistelmä:It is asked how networking firms share knowledge (KS., here for 'knowledge' as: knwl.), what mechanisms firms use to govern KS, and what the consequences are for the firms that share. This paper aims at answering these questions from a social network perspective. Used is a qualitative method to ease deeper understanding of soft variables and key relationships for finding out and mapping non-formal business practices. The sampling strategy is based on relevance rather than representativeness. The findings highlight how social capital, particularly trust-based-ties, develops in inter-firm interaction process, accelerating knwl. flow, and acting as an informal governance mechanism btw. firms. Weak ties help firms to build initial relationships whereas strong ties help firms to acquire higher-quality and fine-grained knwl.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 268456
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