haku: @all company restructuring / yhteensä: 170
viite: 167 / 170
Tekijä:Foster, A.
Otsikko:Leading light at Thorn. *THORN EMI
Lehti:Management Today
1988 : AUG, p. 46-49
Tiivistelmä:Analysed is the restructuring programme of Thorn EMI company. As loss-makers were sold off, Thorn ploughed its new cash back into old businesses. After years of under-investment growth is now international. Acquisitions have boosted profits in core businesses. Rent-a-center in the United States, for example, has made Thorn the World leader in rental. Sell-offs and improved efficiency halted the slide of the company, and now profits emerge. The goals: to focus on business which would earn significant profits and which would operate in global markets.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 62344
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