haku: @all impact / yhteensä: 199
viite: 172 / 199
Tekijä:Mikulic, J.
Prebezac, D.
Otsikko:Evaluating hotel animation programs at Mediterranean sun-and-sea resorts: an impact-asymmetry analysis
Lehti:Tourism Management
2011 : JUN, VOL. 32:3, p. 688-696
Asiasana:hotel management
consumer satisfaction
Mediterranean countries
Tiivistelmä:This paper explores the factors affecting tourist satisfaction and dissatisfaction with recreational services typically offered by sun-and-sea resorts, utilizing the case of a large Croatian hotel and resort chain in the coastal region. The sample comprised of 994 guests drawn from the guest database. Three types of animation programs are covered: (i) sports activities; (ii) entertainment for the evenings; and (iii) entertainment programs for children. Impact-asymmetry analysis was used to quantify certain service attributes' potential of generating satisfaction and dissatisfaction, and to specify key drivers by the three-factor theory of customer satisfaction. The key-driver analysis was then combined with qualitative data (guest comments on reasons for dissatisfaction) to gain knowledge for the hotel management in achieving higher levels of guest satisfaction. The results imply several significant asymmetries in overall guest satisfaction formation, as well as differences considering the type of accommodation and certain demographic characteristics of tourists.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 276082
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