haku: @all diversity / yhteensä: 21
viite: 17 / 21
Tekijä:Tatli, A.
Otsikko:A multi-layered exploration of the diversity management field: diversity discourses, practices and practitioners in the UK
Lehti:British Journal of Management
2011 : JUN, VOL. 22:2 p. 238-253
human resource management
competitive advantage
empirical research
social sciences
private sector
United Kingdom
Tiivistelmä:This article examines the diversity management field in the UK. Employing Bourdieu's concept of field, a theoretical framework is developed conceptualizing the field of diversity management in three constituents: diversity discourse, diversity practice and diversity practitioners. The framework is used to analyse empirical evidence generated through semi-structured interviews with 19 diversity managers of large private-sector firms. The results show that discourse is instrumental in constructing diversity management as distinct from equal opportunities and the use discourse functions as a mechanism to control the entry of practitioners into this field.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 276090
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