haku: @all diversity / yhteensä: 26
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Tekijä:Schulze, W.S.
Gedajlovic, E.R. (eds.)
Otsikko:Guest editors' introduction. Whither family business?
Lehti:Journal of Management Studies
2010 : MAR, VOL. 47:2, p. 191-204
Asiasana:family firms
small business
Vapaa asiasana:ownership
Tiivistelmä:This article introduces the contents of this Special issue on "The family enterprise: Unpacking the connections". The contents is the following:
"Top management teams in family-controlled companies: 'Familiness', 'Faultlines', and their impact on financial performance" by A. Minichilli, G. Corbetta and I.C. MacMillan ;
"Diversification decisions in family-controlled firms" by L.R. Gomez-Mejia, M. Makri and M.L. Kintana ;
"Institutions behind family ownership and control in large firms" by M.W. Peng and Y. Jiang ;
"Family control and ownership monitoring in family-controlled firms in Japan" by T. Yoshikawa and A. Rasheed ;
"Locus of ownership and family involvement in small private firms" by M.K. Fiegener ;
"The effects of family firm specific sources of TMT diversity: The moderating role of information exchange frequency" by Y. Ling and F.W. Kellermanns ;
"Harvesting family firms' organizational social capital: A relational perspective" by S.A. Zahra.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 269511
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