haku: @all stability / yhteensä: 264
viite: 241 / 264
Tekijä:Brown, G.
Otsikko:The Conditions for High and Stable Growth and Employment
Lehti:Economic Journal
2001 : MAY, VOL. 111:47, p. c30-c44
Tiivistelmä:This paper discusses the conditions for stability and growth in the national and global economy, and the new policies, and new approaches being pursued in Britain and Europe to make stability the platform for high and stable levels of growth and employment. The paper includes an overview of the reforms to the international financial architecture being undertaken to improve the prospects worldwide for prosperity and growth. These discussions of the conditions for stability and growth should not be seen as a retreat into treating economics as a dismal science. The author considers the high ideals and public purpose which ushered in the post war economic era and which, for economic policy makers, characterized the creation of the IMF and World Bank.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 228053
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