haku: @all business design / yhteensä: 297
viite: 279 / 297
Tekijä:Kavcic, S.
Otsikko:Primer modela poslovnega procesa
Lehti:Uporabna informatika
1995 : VOL. 3:3, p. 17-20
Vapaa asiasana:enterprises, information systems,
development, Object-Oriented Programming
business systems, models, chart of
Tiivistelmä:Introduction of classes in the design stage of an object oriented information system should pay respect to the features of the business process wherein its universal nature of balance should be exposed.This fact implies the definition of classes journal entry and event described in this article and the use of adequate objects to represent the events of all the relevant activities within the business process.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 145778
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