haku: @all regulation / yhteensä: 321
viite: 311 / 321
Tekijä:Argandona, A.
Otsikko:On ethical, social and environmental management systems
Lehti:Journal of Business Ethics
2004 : APR II, VOL. 51:1, p. 41-52
Asiasana:Business ethics
Organizational behaviour
Social responsibility
Tiivistelmä:There are three types of solutions to the problems deriving from companies' ethical (hereafter as: eth.), social (here as: soc.) and environmental (here as: env.) responsibilities: those based on regulation by an authority or agency, those deigned to create market incentives, and those relying on self-regulation by companies themselves. The purpose of this article is twofold. On the one hand, it explains how implementing voluntary eth., soc. and env. management systems or programmes may help to develop and sustain ethical behaviour in organizations, overcoming the conflict btw. compulsory regulation and occasional eth. practices. On the other hand, it shows that conditions must be met for an eth. management programme to be effective.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 255126
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