haku: @all higher education / yhteensä: 323
viite: 315 / 323
Tekijä:Wigger, B. U.
Weizsäcker, R. K. von
Otsikko:Risk, resources, and education: public versus private financing of higher education
Lehti:IMF Staff papers
2001 : VOL. 48:3, p. 547-560
Asiasana:Higher education
Financial risk
Public sector
Private sector
Tiivistelmä:The paper develops a public education scheme that takes aspects of uncertainty in private educational investments explicitly into account. The social merits of public education schemes are related to the lack of markets in which students can insure against educational risks. A case is made for tuition fees that depend on expected returns of investments in education. The consideration of uncertainty provides a neglected link between educational choice, resource endowment, and productivity growth, which may serve to redefine the public role of education financing.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 233845
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