haku: @all interaction / yhteensä: 333
viite: 329 / 333
Tekijä:Moisio, R.
Arnould, E.J.
Otsikko:Extending the dramaturgical framework in marketing: Drama structure, drama interaction and drama content in shopping experiences
Lehti:Journal of Consumer Behaviour
2005 : JUN, VOL 4:4, p. 246-256
Consumer behaviour
Tiivistelmä:The dramaturgical framework (hereafter as: dramat-frw.) in marketing provides a rich theoretical frw. for understanding shopping (here as: sh-ing.) experiences. This paper aims to extend the current dramat-frw. on sh-ing. experiences by distinguishing btw. drama structure, drama interaction and drama content. The extended dramat-frw. provides a more comprehensive understanding of the ways in which cultural resources, active consumer agency and formal components of sh-ing. performances contribute to sh-ing experiences.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 258601
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