haku: @all impact / yhteensä: 345
viite: 339 / 345
Tekijä:Lau, R.S.
Cobb, A.T.
Otsikko:Understanding the connections between relationship conflict and performance: The intervening roles of trust and exchange
Lehti:Journal of Organizational Behavior
2010 : AUG, VOL. 31:6 p. 898-917
Asiasana:job performance
Vapaa asiasana:relationship
Tiivistelmä:The article discusses the effect of relationship conflict on job performance. A conceptual model is formulated and the effects of relationship conflict on performance are examined through its effects on exchange and trust. The authors argue that relationship conflicts have a harmful impact on trust leading coworkers to rely more on calculus-based trust rather than on relationship based one. This affects the type of exchange coworkers use with each other, as they are likely to use more negotiated exchange than reciprocal exchange.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 273137
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