haku: @all impact / yhteensä: 352
viite: 348 / 352
Tekijä:Rego, A. (et al.)
Otsikko:Psychological capital and performance of Portuguese civil servants: Exploring neutralizers in the context of an appraisal system
Lehti:International journal of human resource management
2010 : JUN-JUL, VOL. 21:7-9 p. 1531-1552
Asiasana:performance appraisal
public administration
Vapaa asiasana:civil servants
psychological capital
Tiivistelmä:It has been suggested that psychological capital(self-efficacy, optimism, resilience and hope) predicts employee performance. The article studies this issue by examining Portuguese public administrations' performance appraisal system(SIADAP). The results of the study are contrary to what has been suggested before in the literature. According to the research no psychological capital dimension predicts supervisor-rated work performance. The paper argues that SIADAP features should be examined carefully to find possible neutralizing factors that might affect the outcome of performance appraisal by neutralizing psychological capital's impact.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 273447
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