haku: @all interaction / yhteensä: 379
viite: 366 / 379
Tekijä:Jessop, A.
Otsikko:Minimally biased weight determination in personnel selection
Lehti:European Journal of Operational Research
2004 : MAR, VOL. 153:2, p. 433-444
Asiasana:Human resource management
Selection of personnel
Multiple criteria decision making
Tiivistelmä:The derivation of weights from preference statements is subject to difficulties, some of which are due to the unreliability of the judgement of the decision maker. To overcome this JaynesÂ’ principle of maximum entropy has been invoked and may be applied either to weights or to the linear weighted scores of the candidates in a selection problem. When candidates are relatively few the two strategies give different styles of interaction. These are discussed and illustrated by application to a problem of personnel selection. The experimental group was 16 staff and MBA students of Durham Business School.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 253975
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