haku: @all stability / yhteensä: 387
viite: 384 / 387
Tekijä:Wei, Gejun
Otsikko:A view on China's financial operation characteristic and some focal points in 1998 (original in Chinese)
Lehti:Economics Information (c)
1999 : 2, p.26-30
Tiivistelmä:In 1998 the people's bank played a supporting role in the implementation of positive financial and investment policies, timely adjusting money supply and expanding domestic demand and having promoted the economic growth. There was a great breakthrough in financial reform and a remarkable achievement in financial supervision and administration. Foreign exchange management was strengthened and the stability of the exchange rate of Renminbi was maintained. The existing problems: the proportion of bad loan in the State-owned commercial banks is fairly high; some small and medium-sized financial institutions could not pay the debt which became due; indiscriminately starting financial business and raising funds occurred repeatedly; some local governments and units illegally borrowed foreign capital or gave their financial guaranty.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 208887
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