haku: @all stability / yhteensä: 387
viite: 386 / 387
Tekijä:Xue, Feng
Otsikko:On legal status of security firms as brokers in China (original in Chinese)
Lehti:Journal of People's University of China (c)
1999 : 6, p.74
Tiivistelmä:The security law rules that security firms can function as brokers, and, as brokers, the firms stand as agents. This does not seem right. Studies of similar roles and the reasons that lead to these roles in British and American law systems in contrast with the Chinese civil law reveal, the author concludes, that the security law should be established on the basis of civil law, and as brokers security firms should be classified as commissioners or intermediaries. Only in this way can we reach the goals of protecting investors in setting up optimal allocation of resources and maintaining stability of the security market.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 209610
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