haku: @all higher education / yhteensä: 388
viite: 379 / 388
Tekijä:Bayenet, B.
Debande, O.
Otsikko:Budgetary indicators and international comparisons: a tool for higher education management
Lehti:Higher Education Management
1998 : MAR, VOL. 10:1, p. 119-134
Tiivistelmä:The aim of this paper is to underscore the theoretical context of the analysis of education systems and to emphasise the limits of creating and using budgetary indicators. On the basis of the methodology they developed, the authors estimate the cost per university student in the Netherlands and the French Community of Belgium by using budgetary data. The comparison of their results with previous studies highlights the necessity of relativising the estimated cost gap between the different countries.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 181626
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