haku: @all higher education / yhteensä: 392
viite: 385 / 392
Tekijä:Li, Li
Otsikko:Thinking of the policy of compensation for cost of higher education (original in Chinese)
Lehti:Theory and Practice of Finance and Economics (c)
1998 : 4, p.1-5
Tiivistelmä:The implementation of the policy of compensation for cost of higher education would help make effective use of the limited public higher education resources and provide the chance of receiving higher education more fairly for more people. At the same time, it must be also supplemented by the subsidizing policy tilting to the students in low-income families. Overall, there is a limit to Chinese people's ability of bearing the compensation for cost of higher education. So to guarantee the conditions for running universities and colleges and give the necessary financial aid to the poor students with a view to ensure equal opportunities, the stable and forceful support of the state's finance is the key.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 185278
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