haku: @all stability / yhteensä: 394
viite: 391 / 394
Tekijä:Liu, F.
Hsiao, C.
Otsikko:A three-dimensional pallet loading method for single-size boxes
Lehti:Journal of the Operational Research Society
1998 : JUL, VOL. 48:7, p. 726-735
Tiivistelmä:The problem of finding an optimal loading layout for packing identical boxes onto a rectangular loading pallet is known as the pallet loading problem. If the boxes may be stacked on their bottom, side, or end surface, the cube utilization of a pallet will increase, but the stability of the unit load will be lost sometimes. This paper presents a method that packs rectangular boxes of the same size onto a pallet. Incorporating certain practical considerations, the method consists of five phases that maximise the degree of stability and the maximum cube utilisation of a unit load.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 163864
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