haku: @all stability / yhteensä: 400
viite: 398 / 400
Tekijä:Clow, K. E.
Kurtz, D. L.
Ozment, J.
Otsikko:A longitudinal study of the stability of consumer expectations of services
Lehti:Journal of Business Research
1998 : MAY, VOL. 42:1, p. 63-73
Tiivistelmä:The importance of the quality of service to the profitability and survival of servise firms has been highlighted by several researchers. Little attention has been, however, given to the process of measuring prior consumer expectations on which service quality measurement is based. This issue was addressed in a longitudinal study that examines the stability of consumer expectations and their ensuring effect on the measurement of service quality. The study indicates that prior consumer expectations of a service measured after a service encounter will be affected by the type of experience. Through cognitive dissonance tension reduction methods, consumers tend to shift their prior expectations to ensure their overall evaluation of the experience is justified. Consumers who had a negative experience will shift their prior expectations of individual attributes higher and consumers who had a positive experience will shift their prior expectations lower. The impacts of these shifts and their effects on the measurement of service quality are then discussed.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 174978
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