haku: @all interaction / yhteensä: 409
viite: 401 / 409
Tekijä:Yanow, D.
Otsikko:Translating local knowledge at organizational peripheries
Lehti:British Journal of Management
2004 : MAR, VOL. 15:Special Issue, p. S9-S25
Office location
Vapaa asiasana:Organizational periphery
Tiivistelmä:This paper theorizes about the kinds of knowing present in organizations that share both a structural similarity in the organization of work and work practices - a "double periphery" in which a community of practitioners acts across both a horizontal, geographic periphery and a vertical, hierarchical periphery - translating across these peripheral borders. In principle, these workers develop knowledge in interaction with clients and customers that could be valuable to the organization, were it but to learn from them.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 259657
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