haku: @all interaction / yhteensä: 411
viite: 410 / 411
Tekijä:Toit, A. du
Otsikko:Knowledge: a sense making process shared through narrative
Lehti:Journal of Knowledge Management
2003 : VOL. 7:3, p. 27-37
Knowledge management
Tiivistelmä:Organizations create knowledge by making sense of new stimuli with which they are constantly being bombarded with. Furthermore, the knowledge created is transmitted through the application of knowledge. Language facilitates the sharing of knowledge created. The meaning which is collectively created in an organization has evolved within relationships over a period of time. Meaning is a product of interaction and does not take place in isolation. An increase in relationships means exposure to different knowledge which results in an increase in knowing and also in what is known.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 246215
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