haku: @all regulation / yhteensä: 411
viite: 408 / 411
Tekijä:Booth, P.
Otsikko:Who should regulate financial institutions?
Lehti:Economic Affairs
2003 : SEP, VOL. 23:3, p. 28-34
Asiasana:Asymmetric information
Financial institutions
Financial services
Regulated industries
Tiivistelmä:Financial market transactions involve complex decisions and significant amounts of information have to be processedby consumers. Economists often call for statutory regulation to overcome so-called "information asymmetries". Nevertheless, the market will generally develop sophisticated institutions that are able to deal with such problems in financial markets. It is important that regulators do not impede the development of such institutions. The liberal market structure may not look like the market structures in many textbook models of so-called "perfect" markets. However, the structure may well be efficient and welfare enhancing.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 256807
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