haku: @all regulation / yhteensä: 419
viite: 415 / 419
Tekijä:Niemeier, H.-M.
Otsikko:Regulation of airports: the case of Hamburg airport - a view from the perspective of regional policy
Lehti:Journal of Air Transport Management
2002 : JAN, VOL. 8:1, p. 37-48
Asiasana:Air transport
Regional policy
Vapaa asiasana:Aviation policy
Regulation of airports
Tiivistelmä:There are trends in the regulation of airports in Germany. While traditionally airports have been regulated by cost-based regulation, a price cap regulation for Hamburg airport has been implemented in 2000. Given the objectives of economic welfare and efficiency the paper argues that the old system is inefficient and results in a misallocation of resources. Regulation should be reformed by capping prices.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 228738
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