haku: @all diversity / yhteensä: 46
viite: 45 / 46
Tekijä:Hashai, N. (et al.)
Otsikko:Technological knowledge intensity and entry mode diversity
Lehti:Management International Review
2010 : VOL. 50:6 p. 659-681
Asiasana:knowledge management
technological innovation
organizational learning
Tiivistelmä:This article applies internalization theory, knowledge transfer efficiency considerations and organizational learning theory to claim that companies' technological knowledge intensity have an effect on their entry mode diversity across value chain activities, across host markets, and at the overall firm level. Drawing on a unique dataset, it is found that high technological knowledge intensity is strongly related to high entry mode diversity across value chain activities and at the company level, but it is only weakly connected with greater entry mode diversity across geographic host markets.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 275769
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