haku: @all stability / yhteensä: 50
viite: 46 / 50
Tekijä:Zeeuw, A. de
Otsikko:Dynamic effects on the stability of international environmental agreements
Lehti:Journal of Environmental Economics and Management
2008 : MAR, VOL. 55:2, p. 163-174
environmental policy
Vapaa asiasana:coalitional stability
International Environmental Agreements
Tiivistelmä:Voluntary cooperation is needed to solve global environmental problems. Small and large international environmental agreements (hereafter as IEAs) are one possible way to reduce emissions. The number of signatories does not tell everything about the basis of IEAs because countries can join or leave the coalition. Different concepts and mechanism regarding stability of coalitions is the theme of this research. Previous theoretical literature has ignored the dynamic aspects of IEAs. An optimal control model is used as an assessment tool to measure how the interaction between behavioral reaction pattern and the adjustment process influences the stability of coalitions. The findings reveal that large and small stabile coalitions can occur in dynamic context if the costs of emissions are quite insignificant as compared with the costs of abatement.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 267371
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