haku: @all sensemaking / yhteensä: 61
viite: 56 / 61
Tekijä:Theoharakis, V.
Wong, V.
Otsikko:Marking high-technology market evolution through the foci of market stories: the case of local area networks
Lehti:Journal of Product Innovation Management
2002 : NOV, VOL. 19:6, p. 400-411
Tiivistelmä:Previous research suggests that changing consumer and producer knowledge structures play a role in market evolution and that the sociocognitive processes of product markets are revealed in the sensemaking stories of market actors that are rebroadcasted in commercial publications. In this article, the authors lend further support to the story-based nature of market sensemaking and the use of the sociocognitive approach in explaining the evolution of high-technology markets. They examine the content (i.e., subject matter or topic) and volume (i.e., the number) of market stories and the extent to which content and volume of market stories evolve as a technology emerges. The article also discusses the theoretical and managerial implications of the study's findings.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 245736
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