haku: @all interaction / yhteensä: 66
viite: 59 / 66
Tekijä:Gilpin, D. R.
Palazzolo, E. T.
Brody, N.
Otsikko:Socially mediated authenticity
Lehti:Journal of communication management
2010 : VOL 14:3, p. 258-259
Asiasana:public sector
digital technology
Tiivistelmä:As the use of digital media is becoming more and more common in public communications, this article aims to contribute to the understanding of this important issue by developing a framework of authenticity in online communications in the context of public institutions. Previous literature is reviewed to construct the model, which is then applied to the US State Department blog, DipNote, to analyze its quantitative and qualitative content. The findings show that the blog presents a mixed form of authenticity. Some of the readers find the content of the blog authentic enough to engage in community interaction.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 273310
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