haku: @all sustainability / yhteensä: 72
viite: 63 / 72
Tekijä:Ambrosini, V.
Bowman, C.
Otsikko:The impact of causal ambiguity on competitive advantage and rent appropriation
Lehti:British Journal of Management
2010 : DEC, VOL. 21:4 p. 939-953
Asiasana:competitive advantage
marketing strategy
marketing management
decision making
problem solving
Tiivistelmä:This article aims to develop the conceptual and practical understanding of causal ambiguity. Current thinking is extended by setting out three types of causal ambiguity, based on whether company resources are perceived to display linkage and/or characteristic ambiguity, and by investigating for each type the effect of causal ambiguity on the sustainability of competitive advantage and on rent appropriation. The difficulties decision-makers encounter when they perceive ambiguity are discussed and finally some implications of ambiguity are examined with respect to resource-creation processes.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 275950
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