haku: @all economic crisis / yhteensä: 75
viite: 69 / 75
Tekijä:Kuznetsov, A.
Kuznetsova, O.
Otsikko:Institutions, business and the state in Russia
Lehti:Europe-Asia Studies
2003 : SEP, VOL. 55:6, p. 907-922
Institutional economics
Tiivistelmä:The links between companies' behaviour and the institutional set-up in Russia are looked at in this article. Two objectives are seeked: 1) demonstrating that an institutional approach may achieve what the neoclassical approach has largely failed to accomplish, that is explain the factors that forced a great number of companies in Russia to delay restructuring and other anticipated responses following privatisation and price liberalisation and 2) showing that the intentional weakening of the economic and administrative role of the state in the early stages of reforms has deepened the institutional crisis and increased the economic and social cost of transition.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 254086
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