haku: @all futures / yhteensä: 76
viite: 72 / 76
Tekijä:Maurer, B.
Otsikko:Repressed futures: financial derivatives' theological unconscious
Lehti:Economy and Society
2002 : FEB, VOL. 31:1, p. 15-36
Asiasana:Derivative securities
Social surveys
Social values
Statistical methods
Tiivistelmä:Financial derivatives are credited with bringing to the fore a number of sociological and metaphysical problems for modernity, from the instantion of particular modalties of risk to the destabilization of referentiality in knowlwdge-claims about the world. This essay argues that derivatives can take on the particular power they hold in such accounts only through a repression of their mathematical techniques.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 233836
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