haku: @all diversity / yhteensä: 78
viite: 70 / 78
Tekijä:Rahe, M.
Otsikko:Subjectivity and cognition in knowledge management
Lehti:Journal of Knowledge Management
2009 : VOL. 13:3, p. 102-117
Asiasana:knowledge management
cognitive maps
Tiivistelmä:This paper aims to provide theoretical insights into a problem of knowledge (herein as: knwl.) management (KM). Through reflecting on the impact of subjectivity in knwl. production, the object-subject divide is analyzed. It is shown how mind sets (here as: m-s.) affect the transformation of information and signals into knwl. It is also shown how the m-s. may vary according to individual and cultural parameters. Thus, any kind of diversity (as: div-ty.) finds its expression in cognitive div-ty. and finally in knwl. div-ty. The probability of misunderstanding increases the overlap of individual m-s. Despite possible sophisticated technologies supporting KM, the knwl. product by itself can neither be managed nor effectively controlled.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 272022
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