haku: @all betting / yhteensä: 15
viite: 8 / 15
Tekijä:Neal, M.
Otsikko:`I lose, but that´s not the point´: Situated economic and social rationalities in horserace gambling
Lehti:Leisure Studies
2005 : JUL, VOL. 24:3, p. 291-310
Asiasana:Gambling industry
United Kingdom
Tiivistelmä:This paper analyses horse gambling and its significance via ethnographic observations in two different places - the betting shop (remote) and the racecourse (proximal) in United Kigndom. This study searches the emerging, situated rationales that attract gamblers to these leisure spaces, and that motivate them to connect the gambling activities as a constant aspect in their lives. For the majority of gamblers, gambling on horses is neither addictive nor irrational. This paper directs attention to a broader conception of the more repsesentative and socioeconomically remarkable activities of leisure gambling.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 259700
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