haku: @author Audretsch, D.B. / yhteensä: 5
viitteet: 1-5 / 5
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otsikko | vuosi | tekijä | ||
1. |
Small business economics
2011 : FEB, VOL 36:2 p. 209-222 |
2011 | Elston, J.A. Audretsch, D.B. |
2. |
Economics of innovation and new technology
2006 : JAN, VOL. 15:1, p. 71-81 |
2006 | Audretsch, D.B. Lehmann, E.E. |
3. |
International Small Business Journal
2004 : AUG, VOL. 22:4, p. 331-348 |
2004 | Audretsch, D.B. Houweling, P. Thurik, A.R. |
4. |
Small business economics
2004 : APR/MAY, VOL. 22:3-4, p. 313-323 |
2004 | Anitra Gilbert, B. Audretsch, D.B. McDougall, P.P. |
5. |
International Small Business Journal
1990 : OCT-DEC, VOL. 9:1, p. 80-97 |
1990 | Audretsch, D.B. |
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