haku: @author Gaberc, S. / yhteensä: 1
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Tekijä:Bukvic, V.
Gaberc, S.
Kovacic, A.
Otsikko:Prenova poslovnega procesa v industriji
Lehti:Uporabna informatika
1995 : VOL. 3:2, p. 11-14
Vapaa asiasana:industrial enterprises, business process
production, reengineering, methodology,
analysis, management and control,
systems, planning, linear programming
Tiivistelmä:There is a close interrelation and mutual dependence between a business process reingineering and its informatization.The article describes the basic issues and the findings resulting from team work on an international project taking place in the year 1994.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 145774
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